Announcing LAB Midwest’s Fall 2017 Amatrol Trip
October 10th & 11th, 2017
LAB Midwest Invites Select Customers and Educators to join our team for a visit to Amatrol in Jeffersonville, Indiana. Participants will….
- See the Amatrol Facility from the inside out
- Meet the Amatrol Curriculum and Executive Leadership Teams
- Discuss the latest trends in eLearning and Technical Education with Amatrol and other educators
- View Product Demos and understand the true value of Troubleshooting with Electronic Fault Insertion
- Dive into Amatrol’s skill-based training model and learn more about their methodology to advanced eLearning and hands-on trainers
Tentative Itinerary
- Leave Milwaukee at 6am on October 10th, arrive at Amatrol in time for lunch.
- Afternoon Session: plant tour, product demos, explore the showroom.
- Evening dinner with members of the Amatrol Leadership team.
- Return to Amatrol the morning of October 11th to learn about eLearning, Curriculum, and Certifications.
- Leave Amatrol by late morning and return to Milwaukee by early evening on the 11th.
Scholarships available to offset travel costs for qualifying attendees
Contact to reserve your spot or for more details.