DAC Worldwide

Transformer Connections


Recommended Skill Levels: High School, Industry, Technical College, University

Learning Topics: Advanced Manufacturing, Electrical, Electrical Engineering

Product Types: Training Equipment

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Transformer Connections by DAC Worlwide replicates the conditions and circumstances that a utility worker encounters when making common transformer connections in the field. Using this trainer, learners will explore the skills that an operator must master in order to confidently operate modern generating equipment, such as the paralleling of generators and connecting to a larger power grid.

Learning Outcomes

This training aid allows for safe learning with hands on experience. By using this trainer learners will develop skills required by operators like paralleling of generations and connecting to a larger power grid. Learners can make ground connections, primary connections, and secondary connections.

Product Details

This system comes with:

  • Welded steel cabinet
  • Modular design for both single or three-phase activities
  • Banana jack connection
  • Low-voltage operation using 5:1 dry transformer
  • Internally fused

The standard accessories that come with this system include:

  • Patch chords
  • Fourteen transformers
  • Panel mounted voltmeter and phase rotation meter
  • Student training manual.

This training system requires a 208 VAC, 3-phase. 60 Hz 4-wire connection.

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