DAC Worldwide

Transformer Wiring

#408-000, 408-PAC

Recommended Skill Levels: High School, Industry, Technical College, University

Learning Topics: Advanced Manufacturing, Electrical, Electrical Engineering

Product Types: Training Equipment

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Transformer Wiring(408-PAC) by DAC Worldwide is a realistic training device that replicates the conditions and circumstances that an electrical worker encounters when making common power transformer connections in the field and industry. This self-contained, tabletop training system provides a safe, inexpensive, yet realistic alternative to paper-based learning without the danger of full-voltage field experience.

The training system includes two complete sets of three-phase transformers so that paralleling can be explored, as well as other industrial components. The device, coupled with a comprehensive student manual, creates a complete, self-paced learning system that reflects realistic industrial and commercial applications.

Useful within industrial training programs or in an educational setting, the Transformer Wiring Training System will help make this fundamental part of electrical maintenance training more memorable and effective.

Learning Outcomes

Using the Transformer Wiring training system, learners will perform tasks utilizing banana jacks, plugs, ground/primary connections, and secondary connections using both three-phase and single-phase applications. This system has 8 instructor fault switches in the back of the device simulating failure conditions allowing learns to perform real-time assessment and troubleshooting issues.  Learners will study topics like analyzing transformer single-phase/three-phase voltages, identifying transformer turn ratio (TTR), demonstrating how connections can produce incorrect motor rotation and more. Hands-on skills like performing transformer connections, interconnecting multiple transformers in Wye or Delta configurations, simulating a burned-out transformer in a three-phrase bank and many more.

Product Details

This learning system has reduced voltages for safety so learners can perform a variety of activities without the high-risk pressure of making dangerous mistakes.  The Transformer Wiring includes:

  • Welded aluminum base
  • 16-Gauge formed steel support structure
  • 16-Gauge, formed steel electrical enclosure
  • Powder-coated surfaces
  • Powder-coated silk-screened aluminum front panel face
  • Keyed instructor power switch
  • Circuit breaker with provision for lock-out/tag-out
  • Pilot light and emergency stop switch
  • Internal electrical interlock, de-energizing power when opening electrical enclosure
  • Color-coded banana-jack receptacles for all transformers and associated components
  • Permanent internal grounding (not dependent on student wiring)
  • Eight (8) instructor fault switches (rear of device)
  • Banana jack connections used throughout
  • Low-voltage operation using step-down transformers
  • Internally fused
  • Packaging for shipment via motor freight

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More about the Transformer Wiring Trainer:

  • Transformer Wiring Data Sheet
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