FANUC Robot Operator Certification Qualifies for Act 59 Funding
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FANUC Robot Operator Certification Eligible for Act 59 CTE Technical Incentive Grants

In conjunction with the Wisconsin Technical College System Office (WTCS), the Department of Workforce Development (DWD) and the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) have announced the list of certifications approved for CTE Technical Incentive Grants for 2020. Newly added to this list is the FANUC Certified Robot Operator 1 certification, available through FANUC’s Cert program.

Schools can now apply for Act 59 funding for any student that earns a FANUC certification. As more Wisconsin high schools invest in FANUC robots, instructors and administrators should be taking advantage of these grant opportunities.

About the Certification

An industry-recognized certification, the FANUC Cert program focuses on core robot operation skills that are needed by entry-level workers in any automation field. Competencies include basic robot operations and programming, material handling, and Roboguide simulation software.

The Robot Operator 1 certification is recognized and validated by NOCTI, the National Occupational Competency Testing Institute. It was developed by subject matter experts from industry, automation systems integrators and instructors and advisors from high schools, technical colleges and universities. Their goal was to equip students with the automation technology skills to strengthen the pipeline of skilled workers for the advanced manufacturing industry.

The certification process consists of a written assessment that measures a student’s knowledge in robot operations, frame setup, program writing, modifying and executing basic motion programs, program offsets, backups and restorations, and creating and modifying simulations.


While delivered on FANUC’s software and industrial robots, the program was designed to teach skills that can be applied to any industrial robot.

However, as FANUC is the leading manufacturer of industrial robots in the world, students going through the Cert program have an advantage when seeking a career in automation. FANUC’s yellow robots comprise over half the world’s industrial robots, and it is the brand they are most likely to encounter in industry. Hands-on experience on FANUC robots will provide students a leg-up for competitive, in-demand careers.

Learn More

To become a FANUC Cert school or to learn more about FANUC certifications, contact LAB Midwest.

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