March 20, 2018 – LAB Midwest President Matt Kirchner joined host Greg Berg and Gateway Technical College President & CEO Dr. Bryan Albrecht for Albrecht’s monthly appearance on 91.1 FM WGDT, part of Wisconsin Public Radio’s NPR News & Classical Music Network. Also joining Albrecht and Berg was Gateway Dean of Manufacturing, Engineering and Information Technology Ray Koukari.
Matt Kirchner
Much of the vibrant discussion focused on Gateway’s adoption of Industry 4.0 curriculum and learning systems. Following the lead of Gateway’s administration and faculty, LAB Midwest and its partners Amatrol and FANUC have been instrumental in the development and implementation of some of Gateway’s new content.
“As Wisconsin’s manufacturing landscape changes in fundamental ways thanks to Foxconn’s presence in our community, it’s important to share the significance of this shift and how it will affect all employers.” said Kirchner.
Dean Ray Koukari articulated additions to Gateway’s programs as Wisconsin assumes its position as a global leader in advanced manufacturing. Koukari discussed the “Day of Code” aimed at middle school students, the college’s Industry 4.0 content for high schools, the new IT Center of Excellence and the need to prepare incumbent workers for Industry 4.0 careers.
In addition to sharing news about Gateway’s Telecommunications Boot Camp, Transcripted Credit Agreements which have saved families over $1.4 million in college tuition and promoting this week’s American Technical Education Association conference hosted by Gateway, Albrecht chimed in regularly, bringing additional color and emphasis to points made by Koukari and Kirchner.
Kirchner provided listeners with insights on Industry 4.0, the significant influence Foxconn will have on Advanced Manufacturing in Southeastern Wisconsin and his company’s advocacy for Career Technical Education across seven Midwestern States.
He also shared information about the upcoming “Private Show” to be hosted by industrial robotics giant FANUC, during which advanced manufacturing thought leaders from around the globe will converge on FANUC’s world headquarters just outside Tokyo, Japan. “I’m honored to have been invited once again by FANUC’s President and CEO Mike Cicco,” noted Kirchner who last attended the event in 2016, “and even more honored that I’ll be accompanied this year by a very high-profile guest.”
A recording of the entire show can be found at WGDT March 20, 2018.