
Flow and Sediment Transport Channel


Recommended Skill Levels: Technical College, University

Learning Topics: Electrical Engineering, Engineering, Fluid Power, Materials Engineering, Mechanical Engineering

Product Types: Training Equipment

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Flow and Sediment Transport Channel by TecQuipment provides students with the ability to study the varying effects of sediment transport, bedform dynamics and fluid flow around weirs and other objects in an open channel. The flume has a built-in recirculating water supply connected to a digital flow meter for accurate measurements during experimentation.

The flume has a built-in sediment trap and includes sediment (graded sand), a trowel and a rake, for detailed experimentation into sediment transport. Also included with the flume are four different models, so students have the ability of immediate experimentation in open channel flow.

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Video Resources
Flow & Sediment Transport Channel FC80 - Fluid Mechanics - TecQuipment